‘it was snowing outside (and it took her two days to notice)’ by Jule Wild
“In spring of 2019 I spontaneously went to Ukraine with two friends of mine to just travel around for a couple of weeks and fell deeply in love with every old train, the timeless aesthetic of all the old buildings, the patterned wallpapers and the people I met. I developed a big fascination with this country and all the contrasts that it holds. So that once I held the first developed rolls of film in my hand I just knew I needed to go back. So I did. And again.”
– Jule
“(…) I have always been obsessed with the everyday kind of stuff, everything banal. I think that is why it´s so hard to sum this project up. Because it´s really not about anything in particular and I´m always afraid that that makes it shallow, but maybe it just makes it honest.”
– Jule
176 Pages, 20x15cm
Open stitch binding
Loosely wrapped in linen fabric glued to the back
600 copies
June, 2021